throttle pedal with potentionmeter 3-wire throttle
Hello, here is attribution first off. This is a remix of by Fergobirck which is a remix of by stephanemermet This is a remix which improves upon the previous designs by changing the type and way the spring returns the pedal to its initial position. old design used one "Wood Clothes Pins" spring to return the pedal to its initial position. this was not very effective at doing what its supposed to do. So for most of this remix is based around adding two slots for some beefy springs i took from the extruder on a 3d-printer to be used instead of Wood Clothes Pins spring. Some improvements are as follows. - raised position of potention meter mount to accommodate larger potentionmeters - beef up the slot in which the rack turns the pinion as to reduce chance of rack moving - can add potentionmeter too either side of the potentionmeter mount - added 2 slots to base for beefy springs (must be glued in)(no need for clothes pins) - all around increased size of top part of pedal along with added side walls. - all holes are considerably larger for larger hardware and allowed more room for rack This is currently being used as a 3-wire throttle being on a "Grizzly Fat Tire Electric Scooter" which is a 3 wheel e-trike. The short story is that we got the trike with a bad controller and purchased a new controller and had to re do all the wiring including find a new throttle being the old throttle was not working properly. so wanted to use something that was easy on the wrist and this is what seemed to be a good choice. happy hacking