Japanese Fighting knife inspired bed scraper/support breaker tool multi tool

Japanese Fighting knife inspired bed scraper/support breaker tool multi tool


This is a printed in place multi tool I originally designed for my needs specifically. I really just wanted a less invasive bed scraper and support multi too but come on it had to look cool too thus the Japanese Fighting Knife bed scraper support splitter pry tool. Think this needs a catchy name....anyways I printed this in ASA because it is machinable and able to be sanded to clean of any rough edges developed but the first one of these I printed i used PETG and actually had great results also. Pick your filament to fit your needs obviously but I hope you enjoy the functionality and general badassness of this tool designed by yours truly. I am considering designing a few different styles of these so be sure to follow me and stay tuned for future projects!!! Happy---







3D Printing