FLSUN QQS-Pro Ringlight Holder bigger version.

FLSUN QQS-Pro Ringlight Holder bigger version.


This is a remix of mikex186`s Mount for fixing a ring light on my FLSUN QQS-Pro. I got my ring light from Amazon because i dind`t want to wait 3 weeks for Aliexpress. You can find it here: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B08YDB9Y2W?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details As its ca. 160 mm in diameter the original was to small and the original slots were of no use for this specific ringlight. Also because of the diameter it could not be fixed right at the top frame because of the extruder, so the already remixed brackets from ciubecca came in handy. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5741280 But because there are no holes on the top of the QQS-Pro for cable-ties I had to combine both designs. So after some meassurements I redesigned the Halo mount. I made longer arms and changed the original holes to slots for fixing the brackets with cable-ties. As I dont want to take all the credits, you`ll have to download ciubecca`s brackets, too if you want to recreate my design. Also show mikec186 some love. As always keep safe and post your makes.



