Magdalenian composite point (antler and bladelets)
Composite Magdalenian double bevel based antler point with inset bladelets. This is generalized, but similar to examples which can be seen in Pétillon et al. 2011. Remember to paint a "glue line" around the bladelets. When printed, sanded, stained/painted this will be useful in a teaching collection. It was a favorite of my students. It’s about 20cm in length. I am presenting these 3d models to everyone, free of charge. None of them were directly scanned from original (“real”) artifacts, but made off of copies which I have personally carved myself. Because of this, I own the rights to all of these; and I hereby give you free access to use them for whatever purposes you desire. If you do use these models or data derived from them in a publication, please thank me or provide a citation to this page; while the models are simple they represent a fair amount effort in research, carving, scanning, etc. Source: Pétillon, Bignon, O., Bodu, P., Cattelain, P., Debout, G., Langlais, M., Laroulandie, V., Plisson, H., & Valentin, B. (2011). Hard core and cutting edge: experimental manufacture and use of Magdalenian composite projectile tips. Journal of Archaeological Science, 38(6), 1266–1283.