Ender 3 (Non-Pro 2040) Y Axis Stabilizer
Directions: Insert the T-nuts in the holes, and begin to screw them in so that the T-nuts wedge themselves into place where they belong. Then remove the screws while leaving the T-nuts in place. Place the stabilizer bar on the side of the printer you choose. They will be tight! They were designed that way. I printed 3, one for each accessible area. Then, begin to screw in the screws so they have a good start. Once they're started, put pressure on them to pop the T-nuts into the extrusion where they belong. Fiddle with them until they are facing the correct way, then tighten. Your Y carriage will not make contact with the brace. I suggest printing at 70-100% infill. Sure, it may not be necessary, but I wanted them to be solid and as close to metal as possible. This is for stability, after all. Please let me know your results, and whether they helped! I am building my Ender 3 to be 1000mm tall on Z, so with the floppy 2040 Y extrusion that comes stock on the STANDARD Ender, this has made all the difference for me.