Buck Converter Box ( Songhe LM2596S LM2596 )
**Note:** **This requires a small amount of glue** to hold the case together, but it is a very small amount and then you will end up with a nice clean looking case for your Buck Conv. I created this small case for some Buck Converters I bought while preparing to do a silent fan upgrade. The case requires glue to hold it together but it is a nice fit and I think it looks pretty good. Everything is still accessible on the board and it has styled vents for cooling. I will be mounting mine in my printer case with Velcro strips along the tops of the case. Here are the converters it is made for: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085WC5G8N?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details **Product Name:** Songhe LM2596S LM2596 with LED Display Voltmeter Buck Converter DC-DC 4.0-40V to 1.25-37V 2A Voltage Adjustable Board Step Down Module Power Supply Module (5pcs)