Faucet Mounting Nut Wrench

Faucet Mounting Nut Wrench


The original wrench fit the nut I needed to remove but the second arm was trapped between the sink and counter's frame so I couldn't rotate the wrench. I made 4 changes to the original design: 1: I removed one of the arms. 2: I made the remaining arm longer for better torque and more rounded so it was more comfortable on the hand. 3: I doubles the notches on the face of the wrench so I could make smaller movements on each turn of the tool. 4: I made the circle part of the body wider and taller to create a stiffer body to prevent breakage (the old nut is very tight). This model printed in about 2 hours and 10 minutes and worked perfect to remove the Faucet Mounting Nut that was giving me issues. This was the 2nd version of this redesign. The first one was just the original design but with one arm removed.






