MOTU: Clash For Eternia All-In Organizer

MOTU: Clash For Eternia All-In Organizer


This organizer for Masters of the Universe: Clash for Eternia intends to store everything from the Kickstarter All-In (with the exception of 3D Castle Grayskull and neoprene mat) in the Core box and Box of Power. Designed for cards sleeved in 60 micron Sleeve Kings, anything thicker *might* fit but would be tight. Here is what you will need to print: Core Box: *Still under construction* Box of Power: Stores all playable character models organized with their mini cards, hp tokens and character specific terrain tokens and elite minions, all NPCs and Mounts, Carnivorous Plants, character and controller dashboards 4 x BoP 4Fig.stl - Main storage for figures, each box stores 8 characters head to head with their cards in between. 3 x BoP 3Fig.stl - Stores 6 figures and 2 stacks of terrain tokens each. 1 x BoP Bulky.stl - Stores models too big for the standard files - Scorpia, Grizzlor, Scareglow, Whiplash, Rattlor & Fangor 1 x Fistos.stl - Stores the Fistos. Open side faces Rex as his head spills over a bit. 1 x He-Skel.stl - Stores He-Man and Skeletor with their mounted versions. He-Man on Battlecat goes in at an angle head first and then He-Man alone faces down or they won't fit (see picture) 1 x TeeBeast.stl - Stores Teela with her guards and Beast Man with his Shadow Beasts 1 x Weaver.stl - Stores Shadow Weaver with her wraiths and cage tokens. Beside her is a spot for Two Bad to fit the extra mini cards and the last slot is for either King Hiss or Sorceress as it only holds one hp token and card set. 1 x She-Dak.stl - Stores She-Ra and Hordak with their mounted versions, Swiftwind and Mantisaur mounts and all 5 NPCs. See picture for where they all go. 1 x Rex.stl - Stores Tyrantisaurus Rex, Battle Cat, Panthor and 5 regular figures. Also stores a selection of regular cards. I did Mounts, NPCs, Elite minions and Minions. The regular minion cards could probably be swapped with Terrain cards since the regular minions didn't make it into this box. The single figure slot was designed with Flutterina in mind but any tall figure should work. 1 x Plants.stl - Open box that stores the 3D Carnivorous Plants and their 2D tokens 1 of Option1.stl or Option2.stl - This currently just fills empty space. Option1 is an open box, theoretically it could store HP tokens in coin capsules as these would not fit the regular organizer. I have no idea how many would fit. Option2 stores 3 more figures with extra wide spaces. There are already 3 open character slots in the organizer so this would bring that up to 6 which could be used for custom figures. It can also be used for favourite characters as it sits right up top or for characters that feel a bit crowded in a standard slot (ex. He-Ro).



