Ender 3 guide with PTFE tube adapter
I had many problems with filament extrusion due difficults of extrusor to move the filament spool. I installed a guide that I printed but it had friction and can be bended when spool can't move. I purchase a spool base with bearings, but in the guide continued the friction, I see in thinghiverse a guide with a pice of ptfe tube. I modify to have the tube secured with a clip similar as used in my extruder. I used esun PLA+ with the following settings: nozzle temp 220 °C, bed temp 60 °C, I printed at 60 mm/seg and first layer at 10 mm/seg. I recomend to print the TestTubeAdapter to adjust if needed. Set the part in cura as shown in the picture added. When you import to your slicer it will be rotated due design position in Fusion360.