Simple human interface for Home Assistant

Simple human interface for Home Assistant


This is a simple human interface project for Home Assistant. It helps me remind to do 2 daily tasks. Using Home Assistant automation, it lit a LED at a given time and use the corresponding button to reset it when I'm done. Basic electronic skills are required, including some soldering. It uses only through-hole components. This project is based on the ESP8266. It includes the case for the board along with the support files to build the electronic board. They are included in the zip files. It includes the Fritzing board design, the part lists, the wiring connections and the Home Assistant configuration. Take note that not all the strip board cut-offs are visible in the Fritzing file. They are hidden under the components. Move them to find them all. Support material is not required. An infill of 20% is recommended. This object main web page is: This object was designed using Solid Edge Community Edition. You can request the source files on the page listed above.






