Hemara 5015 Fan Shroud with MicroProbe mount

Hemara 5015 Fan Shroud with MicroProbe mount


Remix of a great fan shroud: [Hemera 5015 Fan Shroud - Simple](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4031637) I needed a place to mount a [BTT Microprobe](https://biqu.equipment/products/microprobe-v1-0-for-b1-printers-h2-extruders-ender-3?gclid=Cj0KCQjwi46iBhDyARIsAE3nVrbPLv7NJBjahmvxETdhDuOg2ptjz-j1zZwo-xAi82czMXn1ktgMgBcaAjbYEALw_wcB), so I added one. I also added a cross piece for the fins on the side outlets, the briding here was alwasy messy. With the cross peice it prints way nicer. CUT IT OFF before actually using the shroud, obviously. Offset to the probe with my Revo Hemera is {-22.84, -39.17,-1.30} Used 2 3mm x 6mm screws to mount to the hemera and a 3mm x 20mm screw to attach the fan. I printed mine in ASA, way less stringy and cleaner then ABS. You may be able to print it in PETG for a Revo, is has smaller footprint and probably won't deform it like a V6 hotend would. I've included a Fusion 360 archive file, feel free to tweak it. The project isn't the cleanest though, lol.



