TBS Source One V5 Side Plate

TBS Source One V5 Side Plate


I realy liked the concept of the enclosed fpv frame like the iflight nazgul 5, because i didnt want to clean all the grass and dirt out of my drone after every flight. So i designed a side plate option for my TBS Source one frame build. The side plate is designed to fit a Walksnail Pro VTX and a Diatone Mamba H743 MK4 flight controller. The plates leave some amount of room at the bottom so airflow is not completely blocked but be careful while not in flight the heat could build up faster than in an open frame. The Side Plates come in two different versions, a slim and a heavy version. The slim version is significantly lighter but flexes way more which can result in a prop strike. The Heavy version does not flex as much and is was stronger, but the space between the prop and the plate is limited. 5 inch props fit both versions 5.1 inch only fit on the slim. The left side plate is just a mirror of the right one at the moment. A version with a cutout for the USB port might be added later.







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