Skywatcher EQ8-R modification integrated Raspberry Pi

Skywatcher EQ8-R modification integrated Raspberry Pi


May I introduce the modification of my Skywatcher EQ8-Rh with the following points: - fully restorable original! - integrate Raspberry Pi 4 8 GB with Stellarmate/Astroberry - uitilize DockerPi power board for Raspberry Pi (10-15V input, cooling, remote control on/off/shutdown) - use GPIO/HW PWM (2 ports) with LR784 Mosfet Modules - integrate GPS (BN-180/220) - provide fully powered, integrated 4 port USB hub - internal wiring, power + network input only I try to translate and publish the entire BOM + description here, it will take a while. You can read/ autotranslate the doc from here: BOM (incomplete!) - Raspberry Pi 4 8GB and of course, an SD card - DockerPi Power Board - 2x LR784 Mosfet Module (or similar) - BN-220 - Schlegel RQJ_RJ45 - Transcent HUB3 (Attention! Buy the right one!) - GX20 Aviation Connector - a bunch of WAGO 5x connetcors - Wiring in 2,5 mm2, 1,5 mm2 and 0,75 mm2 - A USB 2.0 Type A to Type B - a bunch of M3 countersunks, if you have, prefer black ones - 4x 5,5x2,1 mm DC power sockets, solder type - PLA, PETG or even better ASA to print - some M3 thread inserts (M2 from Pi + Dockerpi are fine when cut in plastics) ATTENTION! This Mod could possibly void your warranty! This modification is a hell of work, fiddely and tightly packed tinkering, but works like a charm! The next Step will be to integrate a x86 board (I am working on a Topton M6)





