Catan piece holder (Sea chest edition)

Catan piece holder (Sea chest edition)


This model turns out the best if printed using wood PLA (I recommend Hatchbox) that has been sanded and painted with a gel-based stain. There are two approaches to get the genuine chest look, the first is to paint the black "metal," the other is to use a 2-color method known as first layer inlay ( This method works with single-extruder machines. Steps for 2-color print: 1. Print Pieceholderbase_multicolor_A.stl centered exactly on the build plate with your "wood" color 2. Print Pieceholderbase_multicolor_B.stl centered in the same orientation with the following modifications: +Turn on z-hop and set it to 1.4 mm and uncheck "Only over printed parts" +Load your printer with the "metal" color +Use the Filament Change setttings in your slicer to change filament at the top of the first metal band, then again just before the second metal band, then again at the top of the second metal band. 3. If done right, you should have a wood-metal-wood-metal-wood color pattern. Note: BL-touch/ABL users: make sure to disable your bed leveling routine and change the touch-off point to a side instead of the center of the build plate






