Foregrip replacement for Snow Wolf AUG
I made it for my friend who broke his an airsoft SW AUG v2 foregrip. This design been tested onto the Snow Wolf Steyr AUG V2 and Para. There are two variants of the mounting of rail. First variant: a rail may be fixed by the pin or m4 bolt with nut like a v1/v2 foregrip. Second variant: a rail may be fixed by the pin/bolt in horizontal hole and a m3 bolt through vertical like a Para rail mount. (!) An AUGs by other manufacturers may not have hole for the m3. (!) For the maximal structural integrity use a 30-35% infill and 4-5 walls/perimeter. Use a minimum PLA+. I'm strongly recommend use ABC/Nylon and avoid PETG. USE THIS ONLY ON AN AIRSOFT MARKERS! THIS DESIGN NOT SUITABLE FOR THE FIREARMS.