Pooper Scooper Rake

Pooper Scooper Rake


The wife want out and bought one of these "Pooper Scooper Combos" and the darn thing was over $30!!! I thought that was an outrageous amount!!! Anyways, here is my version of the "Rake". You print it flat, then using a coffee can (or other round can) you heat the tines for a bit and shape them around the metal can to achieve the round shape. The first one I made, I just used the dowel to shape the tine ends. Speaking of dowels, you will need a 3/4" wood or metal dowel, (I used an old handle from a broom), to complete this project. The length of the dowel is entirely up to you, I adjusted mine so I don't have to bend over while using it. A little bit of glue, to stick both ends on, and you'll be all set.







3D Printing