Apple Disk II Shugart 390 5.25" Floppy Drive Door Latch
I've remixed the previously posted Tandon drive part to more closely fit the Shugart 390 5.25" floppy drive mechanism. This mechanism is the one used in the first Disk II drives from Apple for the Apple II line of computers. The door really should have two pins sticking out on the top, but I've elected to leave it without them so the object can be printed cleanly on its side. A length of filament trimmed to size fills the need adequately, though a trifle under-sized. A 3mm brass rod would likely be better as a permanent solution. Rather than reproduce the little hooks that the original door has for the bottom attachment, I've designed the little ears to simply snap over the pins on the drive mechanism. Those little hooks snap off, and this, to my mind, is an improvement.