SSP1/SSP2/SSP5 Kompensator
The Kompensator fits my SSP1 very well but it should fit the SSP2 SSP5 as well. And the gun still fits in the belt Holster perfectly. i wanted my gun to look a litle bit cooler, so i designed this shord handed.I designed the thread casing and the compensator seperately since i wasn´t quite sure at which position the kompensator will tighten up and will align perfectly? So you guys will have to mark the relative position of those two parts in the right alignment(hold a ruler on the side of the slide). You can pull the slide back to reach the parts with a pen or a knive to mark the parts in the correct position to glue them together, or simply melt the gap between them with an soldering iron together. I designed it a little wider so when it shrinks due to the cooling it should fit perfectly. If it doesnt, let me know or if you have some improvement ideas. Im currently working on a silencer for the SSP1.