JJCCR T Piece screen insert bungs

JJCCR T Piece screen insert bungs


I AM CURRENTLY TEST PRINTING WHAT I _BELIEVE_ TO BE THE FINAL ITERATION OF THESE. If you print and test them before me, do not blame me for the wasted filament if they are terrible. I am away all day... and won't be able to truly check fit them until tomorrow. Let's begin with a story. Ever open a long forgotten sealed up plastic bag that was even just a little bit wet inside? It can get pretty gross in there. And who else loves wet dark spaces? BUGS! Of all shapes and sizes! I think we can all see where this is going.. So, after diving a rebreather, and cleaning it, typically you dry the counterlung bags out as best you can, and then leave the connections open to whatever airflow your garage can manage to provide them for them to not go funky inside. So a friend of mine, let's call him Dave... (because.. well, his name is Dave)... does a dive in the Florida caves with his CCR, and had a grand ol' time doing so. They all get out, chat, stash their kit, grab some food, and eventually Dave drives home to clean his breather.. While doing so.. he finds out that..... little did he know, he had an extra dive buddy tagging along the whole time. A rather gigantic cockroach, whom had set up shop in his counterlung at some point before he assembled his stuff. And, Mr. Cockroach stayed there the entire dive (I mean really, what choice did he have?), and.. was still quite alive and well afterwards too. I can't remember which counterlung it was, but ... dear god I hope it was the exhale side. I honestly don't know if Dave squished it, or gave it a name and kept it as a pet, but that story has lived in my head ever since. And on moving into CCR myself, I've got daily nightmares as to what I may find living inside the thing next time I get the balls to pull the lungs out of their bags and look. There are a million ways to screen off, or otherwise plug the T pieces to the counterlungs. Including options here on thingiverse. From simple rubber sink stoppers at home depot, or chunks of cork, up to machined delrin plugs that cost more than a nice steak at a restaurant. This is my.. probably overly complicated and far too fiddly attempt at it. These are designed for the JJ-CCR. These are only the screened, and solid inserts. I have left and right threaded caps to hold them in place (and other cleaning / drying related inserts in another thing, with more inserts for other jobs likely coming soon). You could use these stand-alone, but those threaded caps in the other thing also serve to protect the external threads on the T pieces while the unit is stored. To complete these, you will need to cut a circle of window screen, or fabric mesh, foam filter, or whatever you want to use that will.... 1) allow airflow to naturally pass through it 2) prevent bugs from naturally passing through it. Cut the screen to size so it drops inside the hole from underneath, and rests on the small lip at the bottom of the hole, and then screw in the threaded insert to pinch it in place there. Leave it like this until you either want, or need to replace the screen material. You will also need one of the old o-rings from your loop connections at the T pieces for each insert you decide to build (there are 2 per loop hose, these only use one). This is optional, since the whole idea here is airflow, but.. it's still a good idea to prevent the 3d printed parts from directly rubbing against and scratching up the inside of your expensive T pieces. Some JJ's apparently have 38mm bore T's, and some have 39mm bores. Mine has 38mm bores. If you need these in 39, either scale them up when you slice, or let me know and I'll upload a set of 39mm bore STLs for you.



