Parametric filament ruler (YACFR) V2

Parametric filament ruler (YACFR) V2


Version 2 of the remix of the ruler from (Original at The original was hampered by having to crawl the web to find the length of material for a given weight of roll of filament. This revision fixes that. The original remix * Labelled the notches rather than have square and circular holes * had the ability to have as many, within reason, reporting notches as you want * allowed you to specify reporting at a %age or m left (label is always in m) * allowed you to add an unlabelled 10m notch **V2 Updates are** * Caters for different filament types * Caters for different filament diameters * Replaces estimated length with Weight (*no more hunting the internet!*) and calculates the length based on the material and diameter * Includes weight at the end of the ruler name * Adds the Material type to the base of the ruler (sometimes abbreviated) If you have values that 'fall off' the end of the ruler you are probably using an INCORRECT WEIGHT or have the dimensions of the spool set incorrectly. Materials included by default are : PLA, ABS, PETG, NYLON, Flexible (TPU), Polycarbonate (PC), Wood, Carbon Fibre, PC/ABS, HIPS, PVA, ASA, Polypropylene (PP), Acetal (POM), PMMA, Semi flexible (FP) If you want to change the abbreviations edit the variable 'g_per_cm_3' The g/cm3 for the different vary slightly from site to site, but I think I have the most common. These are also in the variable 'g_per_cm_3' format for the variable 'g_per_cm_3' is ["Lookup value", "Abbreviation", g/cm3]. If you add to it remember to add a corresponding entry in the variable 'material' Use the Customizer to make one for yourself if you don't have Openscad



