Sony APM-66ES tweeter center tool

Sony APM-66ES tweeter center tool


Your precious APM-66ES are surely not the youngest ones anymore. If you read this, you probably might need to fix the tweeter coil. Common problem once you burnt the coil wire due to too much power. If you are not sure if the coils are gone, use a multimeter and measure resistance. Good ones should read around 6 Ohms. Replacement coils are found here: This friendly gentlemen sits in Reunion and is happy to ship worldwide. These tools are supporting you to properly center your new coil onto the aluminium membrane. How to do it? 1. Get your tweeter off the case (4 screws, 2 plugs) 2. In order to lift the plastic cover which is glued to the metal case, drill a 3 cm hole in one of the corners and push the plastic cover from behind, carefully not to crack that thing 3. Remove the magnet 4. Clean the magnet´s coil gap from the ferrofluid 5. Unsolder the old coil and remove all glue with acetone and a qtip. Be careful not to destroy the woven frame of the membrane. 6. Use the "Glue Guide" to apply new glue in circle (I am using T-7000) 7. Use the "Center Tool" with the new coil and put it over the glue. IMPORTANT! Make sure that the copper coil points towards the magnet (and not towards the membrane). Also make sure that plus and minus is on the correct side. 8. Use the "Center Stamp" to gently press the coil into the glue. Don't push too hard! 9. Leave it like that and put it beside. Let it cure for 48 hours. 10. Put the tweeter together again in reverse order including adding some fresh ferrofluid. Congrats!



