Honda S2000 HVAC Control Knobs (WIP)

Honda S2000 HVAC Control Knobs (WIP)


As every S2000 owner knows, the factory oem knob material cover goes to shit after being in the sun for enough time, mine did the same and since honda discontinued making new ones, I decided it was easier and cheaper to just make and print my own. The indictating line on the face is recessed enough to be able to fill with white epoxy, paint, or whatever you want to use, and the line on the top of the dial is raised enough to show on the actual dial of the dash. I took all the measurements from the knob out of my personal S2K, and spent quite a bit of time making sure it matched as close as possible within 0.1mm. I made this a few months ago, but never posted it due to my printer having been down, Haven't been able to print and test fit it yet, but will update this listing and tweak the file if needed once I can test it myself. I'll be testing it in PLA and PETG filaments.






