Strong arms for Proteus solder station

Strong arms for Proteus solder station


!!Thanks to Murmjir for the well-designed arms and ProteusMan for the helpful tool!! I couldn't get the arms to work correctly no matter what filament or settings I used so I adapted the well-designed arms from Murmjir ( to fit on the proteus. The balljoint.stl and crocodile.stl come from Murmjir's design. I started by making a base that would fit on the proteus to use Murmjir's arms. Then I wanted a shorter base to require less joints and eventually I sized up the base by 1.3% to make for a real snug fit so the arms don't require any support wires and can hold their own weight plus the item they're holding. There are 2 types of alligator/crocodile clips you will commonly find. The main difference is one has a round backend and the other has a square backend. This remix includes parts to fit both. base-new-meshmix.stl - original base for proteus base-new-SHORT-030123.stl - shorter base, which requires less joints to get the arms to reach center to hold a part base-new-SHORT-030123-TIGHTERFIT.stl - short base with tighter fit. will require a little sanding on base ball and inside of joint to get the ideal fit for the sturdiest hold alligatorclip-new-meshmix-longer.stl - This is perfect for the style of alligator clip with a round backend...the type you see on a lot of metal helping hands tools. they have a screw on the bottom and I used M3 bolts and nuts to attach them crocodile.stl - Murmjir's design that works great for the square-backed crocodile clips joint.stl - Murmjir's design joint



