Scout Patrol

Scout Patrol


1) Description: a) Scout Patrol game - play against the Arduino MEGA. b) Small scout ships typically patrol in pairs to provide fire c) support for each other. Primary weapon is a Boson Torpedo which travels in an arc similar to an artillery shell, The Torpedo is like a pulsed green laser firing Higgs Boson particles on a curved flight path. d) Like a tiny Battleships game. e) No two player version yet (RF24 between two devices in the works now). 2) Other Files: a) <MegaGameBase.stl> - game mount 3d print file for an Arduino MEGA. b) <ScoutPatrolWiring.jpg> - Fritzing wiring diagram. c) <TouchTest_01> - touchscreen coordinates mapping assist d) <TochScreenPen> - to replace the (lost?) white one that comes with the tft/lcd 3) Hardware: a) 2.8" TFT LCD Touchscreen (I used one by ELEGOO) sitting on an Arduino MEGA with an on-off switched 9V battery box all held on 3D printed printed mounting frame. b) Used passive buzzers to generate sound effects (stereo?) and an RGB LED module for lighting effects. 4) General Notes: a) Comments with "??" are areas that I (being a programming novice) had questions on need or usage. b) Also several comments and code snippets are from 'bp.ino' by BobP dated 14March2022 and ELEGOO's TFT LCD sample sketches. c) Used >Serial.println< to aid in finding and correcting bugs. d) Probably many places where the code could be more efficient and use improvement.






