Beetle Merchant

Beetle Merchant


Here's a proud Bugfolk beetle potion seller/merchant based on a Pinacate Beetle. I love the way these beetles amble around so confidently from place to place, always wondering where they are headed, and to this end I imagined one as a wandering potion seller that your player characters might encounter going from city to city. Included is the figure himself, which will require supports. Best printed in resin, and I would suggest a smaller nozzle size and fine layer heights if printing in FDM. No base is included, feel free to add one on to the model if you prefer to print them like that. Also included are a few options for a simple merchant's stall as well as a handful of bottles that you can print as many as you want, or substitute your own goods and set them in place! He will never deny you his strongest potions, as long as you have enough gold!



