Alexa Dot 2nd Gen Red Ring cover and wall mount

Alexa Dot 2nd Gen Red Ring cover and wall mount


A wall-mountable holder/cover for the Amazon Alexa Dot 2nd Gen that covers the bright, glowing LED light ring when the Dot is muted or when messages are received. The alternate model has a "message view" slot at the bottom, allowing you to see a small section of the LED ring for messages while significantly reducing the amount of light emitted from the Dot. Additionally, the holder/cover accommodates the power and headphone ports in any cardinal orientation. To use the holder/cover, push the Dot to the front of the holder/cover, and insert something like a folded paper towel into the back to hold it in place and keep the LED ring firmly pressed against the cover. Please note that the print example in the photo was printed quickly and with minimal post-processing to clean up the overhangs, so there is some light leakage in the photo. Please be advised that this holder/cover will not completely block out the light if you require complete darkness in a bedroom or similar environment.






