Ersatz Electric Eel

Ersatz Electric Eel


This started out as an electric eel, then I started getting more ideas than I knew what to do with. My original idea was the fill in the body holes with wireless LEDs, but the LED set-up I got just didn't have enough oomph to light up the whole body, or any LEDs that weren't directly over the loop. Picture provided. I hear there are stronger coils, will have to look into those. So, I got the further idea to use a 3D pen to fill in the holes with glow-in-the-dark filament. Well... a couple decades ago I could have done a decent job, but I did what I could. The result after exposure to sunlight and/or a UV flashlight were still very rewarding. But the look was awful, so I decided I would make glow-in-the-dark plugs to fill the holes with. This would probably have worked if I had another hand and no help from the cat. Maybe you can improve on this design? Let's see what you come up with! I would post the original Blender file but Thingiverse says it's too big. NOTA BENE: For reasons that escape me, this model prints better in PLA than ABS. No support material needed, comes fully articulated right off the build plate (for me, anyway). Hat tip to <b>Tulips Creations</b> for the original idea! Many thanks!






