533 Lightswitch and switchback HDzero whooplite top plates

533 Lightswitch and switchback HDzero whooplite top plates


Easy 25x25 mounting pattern for more compact HDzero builds! Top plates for mounting HDzero whooplite Vtxs into lightswitch and switchback frames Do you not like the Race v2 sticking out the sides of your sack just waiting for a pole? I've got the solution for you! Some guy named spicy keeps beating you at races? Give his rear end a poke with the patented thorn (warning may be cursed) Print out of CF-Nylon only! PLA and similar materials will not hold up to impacts If you can't print them I will pint and ship them to you, find my listing on ebay... I will make other top plates if you request. Just give me the standoff spacing measurements.







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