This is what it looks like when you are finished. This bracket is for the OMG Extruder V2 and the Pheatus Dragon WHF. I have not checked the dimensions of any other hot end but it is made to be used with a V6 style mounted Hotend. With that said it does not have a mount for a fan because it is made to be used with a liquid cooled hot end. Took about 6 months to get this working properly. including but not limited to changing firmware, failed designs and so on. But one thing is for certain. It absolutely does work. It is alot of work to get this upgrade working but I found it to be extremely beneficial and allows you to print all filament including but not limited to PEEk and PEKK. CF filament GF filament. Honestly all of them. you may want to get a different bed too I used the CR10 glass bed. Anyway if you decide to put forth the effort of putting all of this together. it turns your SV04 printer into about a $5-10,000 printer. Made to be used with a CRTouch "upgraded BLTouch". Also you will need a soldering iron. for the knurled brass nut inserts. Hardware needed for installation OMG extruder Pheatus Dragon WHF and or UHF or equivalent size ( most sites show dimensions) and everything that is needed to operate the liquid cooled hot end. -you will need the liquid cooler as well. CRTouch Thermistor cartridges Things you will need for installation. All can be purchased on amazon for a fair price. -M-Bolts (very handy if you have a 3d printer of any kind) **MUST HAVE** -NEMA 17 Damper and heatsinks -Knurled Brass Nuts* must have** -Heat set for Knurled Brass Nuts *should have** -5010 Blower fan -Quick connection extension wires *Not a must but it fixed my Z axis from always being out of alignment *****Lastly***** and most importantly Firmware edits. You will need to upload the latest firmware from JCarlson on Github. (Update the screen firmware and the Board firmware, Follow Johns direction) Here is the link below From here I edited all of the following firmware. (by editing this firmware I am in no way responsible if something happens to your printer or Home) These are simple directions on what I did. Configuration.h 626 - #define HEATER_0_MAXTEMP 350 627 - #define HEATER_1_MAXTEMP 350 628 - #define HEATER_2_MAXTEMP 350 629 - #define HEATER_3_MAXTEMP 350 630 - #define HEATER_4_MAXTEMP 350 631 - #define HEATER_5_MAXTEMP 350 632 - #define HEATER_6_MAXTEMP 350 633 - #define HEATER_7_MAXTEMP 350 1544 - #define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { -39, 11, 0 } 1714 - #define INVERT_E0_DIR false 1715 - #define INVERT_E1_DIR false 1755 - #define X_BED_SIZE 302 1756 - #define Y_BED_SIZE 302 1759 - #define X_MIN_POS -59 1760 - #define Y_MIN_POS -10 1761 - #define Z_MIN_POS 0 1762 - #define X_MAX_POS X_BED_SIZE 1763 - #define Y_MAX_POS Y_BED_SIZE 1764 - #define Z_MAX_POS 400 Configuration.adv 779 - #define DUAL_X_CARRIAGE #if ENABLED(DUAL_X_CARRIAGE) #define X1_MIN_POS X_MIN_POS // Set to X_MIN_POS #define X1_MAX_POS X_BED_SIZE // A max coordinate so the X1 carriage can't hit the parked X2 carriage #define X2_MIN_POS 0 // A min coordinate so the X2 carriage can't hit the parked X1 carriage #define X2_MAX_POS 362 // The max position of the X2 carriage, typically also the home position #define X2_HOME_DIR 1 // Set to 1. The X2 carriage always homes to the max endstop position #define X2_HOME_POS X2_MAX_POS 1040 - #define TRAMMING_POINT_XY { { 25, 39 }, { 263, 39 }, { 263, 276 }, { 25, 276 } } 2126 - #define ADVANCE_K { 0.04 } //{ 0.15 } Good LUCK