Bleach Bottle Cap
This is a bleach bottle cap. After searching for an hour and not finding one anywhere, I made my own. I look to not be the only one with this problem, as I found handles, tools, etc., but no caps. I modeled it based on a Great Value bleach bottle, but they all seem to take the same cap, a horrible design that you can't get enough grip on to seal it tight. And do you know what happens if the bleach bottle is not sealed tight? Chlorine is a gas. Bleach is water with Chlorine dissolved it in, basically. It doesn't like to stay there, so it escapes out through the poorly sealing cap. Then you don't have bleach anymore. Open your bleach bottle and smell it. Does it smell like bleach? No? Throw it out. I ran into this problem once with a nurse on a medicine floor. Dakin's Solution is made with bleach, and has saved countless lives since WWI. The medicine floor nurse was supposed to change the wet to dry dressing using Dakin's Sln. I came into the room on my rounds and noticed the cap was off the bottle. A quick sniff and, yeah, no Chlorine smell. Useless. So, anyway, here is a bottle cap I made. Print the STL or hack up the SCAD as you wish. I used Parametric_Bottle_Cap___Jar_Lid_5397832 and customized it with: innerDiameter=38; innerDepth=11; threadPitch=4.1; threadDepth=1.35; threadWidth=1.6; threadTurns=1.25; threads=1; threadStart=1.3; It might not be the exact thread, but it works well. I took apart the original cap by cutting the outer ring off with some side cutters (dykes.) The rest of it is 2 pieces, with the top disk part holding the gasket and separate from the thread part. No wonder this thing doesn't work. I took a knife and cut the glue blob holding the gasket to the top disk and stuffed that down inside the cap I printed. I think it seals without the gasket, but, I put it on anyway.