2020 lm2596 buck converter mount with USB output
I mounted a pi to one of my enders to play with klipper and octostuff... I don't want to have thousands of cables plugging into my printers, so I decided to power the pi from the ender's powersupply with a buck converter... and so I could swap it out later if I want to use a different sbc, I want to do it with a standard USB interface... so I picked up a pack of lm2596 buck converters (the common type) and some USB breakout boards... (the cheap ones)... if I like the way this works, I may make a better one on a custom PCB... (because everybody needs to use pcbway or some other board maker, right?) anyway... of the shelf components and a bit of wire... plus a 3010 24v fan and this happens... I just need to solder it up and adjust the voltage (the little brass screw thingy) and triple check my wiring before I plug it into my neigh irreplaceable pi 3b+ (gonna try an orange pi too if I like octo-klipper) Lemme know if you have a better solution... but I think this will work... but if you wire it wrong, it's your own fault... I am not responsible for that :) (swhy no pics after I solder it) USB breakout boards (female type A) x10 ($0.70 each) https://amzn.to/3MkqVow lm2596 buck converters x10 ($1.50 each) https://amzn.to/3pEEztG 3010 fans x5 ($2.20 each) I got the 24v ones, but you might want 12v for your printer... (know your power supply :) ) I would run it in parallel on the input side, so you don't use the output current. Happy Magic Smoke! (may it all stay inside your electronics!)