CR10S PRO V1 filament guide (or any using the same sensor)

CR10S PRO V1 filament guide (or any using the same sensor)


I using my so called fast profile for this since is a a part that I just care for it function not for how it looks (print time around 11 mins) I juts mod a bit GadgetAngel design mainly since I want to use a 6mm PTFE leftover I had around plus I don't want the PTFE to move and reinforce it a bit. I keep the window in the original design for use if something gets stuck. The PTFE can be take out if is necessary but it will stay in place w/o use anything (you printer needs to be dimensional accurate) For installation just remove the 4 screws in the top of the filament sensor push the printed filament guide in place and that's it as long the dimension was printed fine you don't need anything else the print will be thigh enough for stay in place.



