Drag Chain for my Rolling Plotter

Drag Chain for my Rolling Plotter


I played around with design quite a bit to work with my rolling plotter (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5856621). I made the channel big enough to use wire loom thru the channel to give extra protection to the wires. I only have a 4 wire motor wire & 3 wire end stop wire to route thru there. These print as one piece with a little overhang, but prints without supports. I included the fusion 360 files to make it easier to adjust design if someone else needs to do that. For my 1 meter wide rolling plotter, I printed 48 of the chain links in sets of 8. On my printer, they took about 2 hours for each set of 8 links. I also included the end connectors as well as a couple of channel guides to keep the chain in line better.



