3D Printed First Aid Kit
Mini First Aid Kit Why do you want this? I think we have all had situations where we wish we had some band-aids or alcohol towelettes with us. This small first aid kit is perfect to toss into your cars glovebox in case you ever need it. Maybe you are going on a hike and don't have a fancy expensive first aid kit, toss this into your backpack and you can mend any scratch or cut. **Details: ** This awesome first aid kit is small and compact but incredibly useful! It can carry a whole range of different things. My kit holds around 15 band-aids, 6 alcohol towelettes, nail clippers, a small pocket knife, cue-tips, and some cotton pads. And I keep an extra latch inside the case just to be safe. This is an awesome and cool looking first aid kit that is perfect to keep around. IMPORTANT!!! I have included some pre-sliced files. They are meant for the Ender 3 V2 however any printer of similar size should work. But MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE THE RIGHT SIZE NOZZLE! Some print files use a .8mm nozzle and some use a .4nn nozzle. Features: To make that as easy to print as possible I made the latch a simple snap in place latch that securely holds the kit shut but also quick and easy to remove. The hinge is a very simple hinge. The hinge pin is very easy to install and is very secure since it has a threaded nut that holds it securely. DISCLAIMER!!! While this kit is fun and useful, it isn't a full first aid kit. It is just a useful kit to have on you, however if you are going to do something dangerous don't just bring this, be sure you have a real First Aid Kit in case an injury is very substantial. #OutdoorThangs #OutdoorThangs