Anet A8/AM8 X and Y Tensioner for 5mm Idler Bearings

Anet A8/AM8 X and Y Tensioner for 5mm Idler Bearings


This is a set of X and Y Tensions for use on the AM8. They are designed to use 5mm bore 20 tooth G2 gears such as the following. The specific advantage is greater teeth engagement with the pulley and more importantly a much larger bearing as the 3mm ones have a tendancy to blow out: The X Tensioner will work on a Stock Anet A8, however the Y Tensioner requires a 2020 extruded frame of the Anet A8. Note, a Non toothed G2 20 idler pulley would work fine as a replacement for the toothed idler. It is made from quite a few different Authors, however the parts lists are as follows: X Tension -Replace Drive and Idler Gear with 20 tooth above -M5x20 Fastener X1 -M5 Nut X1 -M3x30+ Fastener X2 -M3 Nuts X2 -X Belt Tensioner part x1 See this part on the Assembly of the X Axis Tensioner Y Tensioner -Replace Drive and Idler Gear with 20 tooth above -M5x30 Screw X1 -M5 Nuts X1 -M5 Washers x4 -M4x24 Screw x1 -M4 Washer x1 -5 or 6mm diameter spring 20-25mm long -Yoke Strengthened part x1 -Base part Strengthened part x1 -Y_Tensioner Wheel part x1 See this part on the Assembly of the Y Axis Tensioner IPT's are attached for the parts I modified.



