


# TinyRebooter An emergency "REISUBer" for your linux systems. Have you ever gotten, say, a raspberry pi so frozen you can't even get a picture when connecting a monitor? DON'T UNPLUG POWER AND RISK YOUR FANCY SD CARD!!!! Or maybe you need to reboot a container you lost remote access to and are just too lazy to plug in a keyboard? Well, TinyRebooter is here to (maybe, hopefully) save you! The TinyRebooter has one button and one job only: To send the [Magic SysRq key](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key) command, REISUB, in the hopes of safely rebooting your system even when it is completely unresponsive (**R**eboot **E**ven **I**f **S**ystem **U**tterly **B**roken). Simply plug the device in, press the button, watch the magic show that it is a flashing LED, wait for it to go solid and off you go! Hopefully a safe reboot is on its way! The project was developed for a [Seeed Studio XIAO SAMD21](https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Seeeduino-XIAO/) and this is the designs of the case. The photos should show how the button was soldered to the board, basically the board and the button just sandwich love a perforated board, cut to size. Yum! The code for the project can be found on my [GitHub Page](https://github.com/Sol1du2/TinyRebooter)! I used fancy m3 inserts to screw the screws (hah!) in. Overkill? Maybe, but I like it. <3 Yes, the button is not centered. Yes, it bothers me too. But you see, I'm also lazy and that's apparently more powerful :)





