My First Legendary Rattle (Threaded)

My First Legendary Rattle (Threaded)


My friend and coworker just had his second child. I was looking for gift to make them when I stumbled upon this. I added threads to attach all the pieces tightly together. It can only go together one way (threads are different sizes). I also added a little flair on the pommel. I also added a hole to drop the "peas" into where the handle screws on to the base of the head. This makes it a lot easier to get the "peas" in. I used tree supports. *DO NOT let the supports hold up the roof of the hollow head*. This will cause blockage in the hollow head and not allow the rattle to work properly. For best results use tree supports on all 3 of the main parts. Print the handle standing upright with tree supports on (larger end down). USE 30% INFILL ON THE HANDLE OR THERE IS A CHANCE IT COULD BREAK UPON ASSEMBLY!!! *DISCLAIMER* THERE IS A CHANCE THE HANDLE CAN BREAK OFF OR COME UNSCREWED ALLOWING SOME "PEAS" TO ESCAPE. I RECOMEND SUPER GLUING OR PLASTIC WELDING THE MAIN PIECES TOGETHER!!!






