Water Valve RC controlled

Water Valve RC controlled


I have a lot of fun chasing the kids with my micro drone and squirting them with water. This is the assembly I made using some IV components, surgical tubing and a micro RC servo. The surgical tubing is filled with about 30ml of water through a Luer lock connector with a one way valve. The R-lock is modified on one end to allow attaching a length of 3mm ID x 5mm OD surgical tubing. I tie it securing with some small thread. This could all come apart and spray water so protect your electronics appropriately. I used this servo but any one that size should work. https://www.amazon.com/K-Power-P0025-Coreless-Airplane-arduino/dp/B098FG3LJF/ref=sr_1_17?crid=4BJM90JX65LK&keywords=pk-p0025+servo&qid=1685194227&sprefix=pk-p0025+servo%2Caps%2C89&sr=8-17 The R-lock came from an extra IV set I had but I have seen them for sale on ebay. I bet a quick trip to a local infusion center and you might find one for free. They came in the infusion set I got and I've never used them. If you find that you are not pinching off the line, you can add a little piece of thin plastic to the flat spot on the bottom to build it up until you're good. If you tighten the 2mm x 15 mm screw it should stay locked after charging and you could use a string to trigger it instead of the servo. Have Fun! Cheers KIsssys






