Nerf Stampede Full length brass breech mod

Nerf Stampede Full length brass breech mod


This is the full set of prints that i used to create my full-length Dart brass breech Stampede.The tolerances inside the Stampede are quite tight so its necessary to do some very invasive modifications to the internal mechanics of the Stampede, this includes: - a new Plunger Tube gear with one more Tooth to extend the distance the Plunger Tube moves - a guiding Part for the brass Tubes with guiding chamfers - an extender for the catch release, so that the Spring is released a little earlier - a second simple tube holder to hold the Tube inside the muzzle All these Modification were necessary to make a full length brass breech working with usable performance. The Blaster was additionally equipped with a new Spring (7kg) and a stronger catch spring. It is also advised to use a LiPo Battery and not the standard batteries OR Li-Ions. These either cant't provide enough voltage or current. The brass Tubes used are K&S metals KS139, KS140 and KS141.



