Lid for opened boxes in fridge

Lid for opened boxes in fridge


Here we have some closing lids for creams, sauces, mayonnaise wich are only to open once and to this days we couldn't close it in any other way than put on an aluminium foil instead of the original cover. This closing is dedicted to people whos are tired of dry off things thats are selling in plastic boxes with aluminium covers, which covers are damaged at the moment when are opened and couldn't close boxing again after you will use some cream, yougrt etc.. These 2 tipes of covers ale dedicated to boxes that have diameters: - 93,5mm. or - 74,5mm. I suggest to print it on the glass table with 20% infill without any adhesive glue(maybe a little bit if you have serious problem), with nozzle 0.4, without adding adhesion, brims etc. - the prints will look perfect. You can also scale it to your own need. In the photos you will see how its looks good and also in the fridge it makes enable to put on one opened box on the another :) I have used Fiberlogy filament named "Fibersatin" in grey color, but also I have printed it with some "noname" filament PLA and both of them printed successfully. If you want to make it perfect fit - when you are scaling model remember to add + 0,6mm to inside diameter in the opposite to the real diameter that you really need for example: Your box has 85.2mm diameter, you are scalling this STL files to size 85.2mm + 0.6mm = 85.8mm. This will fit ideal! And yes, sorry for this english, as you can see im not native :)



