100hex (Remix II) modelos 361-Spiral_28_Fixed

100hex (Remix II) modelos 361-Spiral_28_Fixed


This is a fixed remix of the Spiral_28 design by: https://www.thingiverse.com/pelandintecno/designs When attempting to slice in Prusa Slicer or Cura the original model returned an 8 (?!?!?) hour print time and gave errors of open edges. I attempted a fix earlier but it did not work properly (print head was making multiple unnecessary travel movements and not extruding). Highlighted areas on screenshots show broken spots on the model. I performed the following steps to repair this model: 1. Open with Prusa Slicer. 2. Right Click: "Fix through NetFabb" 3. Export repaired model 4. Open exported model with Tinkercad. 5. In Tinkercad change the height to 90mm. 6. Then using invisible boxes I located the best looking spot and blanked everything above/below. 7. Resized the object to 2mm (original height). 8. Resliced in Prusa slicer. Print time was reduced by 6 hours, and it printed properly in 2ish hours with no unnecessary movements. Thanks for taking the time to make and share these Pedro, I successfully printed Nightmare Before X-MAs from this set, and the portrait from your first set of 360. I will be posting a make soon.







2D Art