Guitar Hero Fret Button, World Tour Guitar, Xbox 360

Guitar Hero Fret Button, World Tour Guitar, Xbox 360


Replacement Fret Button for Guitar Hero World Tour Guitar for Xbox 360 (model# **95457.805**) HobbyCNC mechanical fret button upgrade. These fret buttons are specifically designed to be strong while being as light-as-possible to enable fast/responsive playing. Numbers in the filename (e.g. _1.5) indicate how deep the 'indent' is in the bottom of the fret button. You will need to experiment. I have found that 2.0 or 2.5 mm indent works very well. **_F** files are for FLAT button tops, **_R** files are for slightly rounded button tops **TESTER.STL** is a button without the end and side guides to test fit and get a guesstimate of which button 'indent' you will need. **_Basic_Dimensions.pdf** file are 5 key dimensions for you to validate your final printed button **AND** to compare to your existing button *BEFORE PRINTING*. Prepare new fret buttons.pdf includes instructions on transferring the "little black rubber bumpers" from your original buttons to your new buttons. **I DO NOT KNOW IF THESE WILL FIT ANY OTHER GUITARS** (please don't ask). Please provide feedback to



