Pocket Socket Bar - 3/8in Drive

Pocket Socket Bar - 3/8in Drive


A little socket holder that I mainly use for grouping random/loose sockets in my toolbox and for grabbing small sets of sockets to carry around (hence the 'pocket socket' name) when working on something specific. It keeps me from having to carry multiple loose sockets or lug around a full set. This one is for 3/8" drive sockets, <a href="https://medium.com/@bubsbuilds/toolbox-organizers-ea62f07de649">you can find other sizes, as well as a handful of other toolbox-related projects of mine here.</a> I would NOT recommend printing these in PLA or any other stiff material. I have printed all of mine from PETG and they have held up great. Something like ASA would probably be an even more appropriate choice, especially if you like to see how far away from the box you can land your tools in the drawer :) Shouldn't require any supports, brims, or the like. I've mainly printed mine with coarse layers (0.3 - 0.55) on 0.6 and 0.8 nozzles, but it should print fine on pretty much anything under that. Going above that I would just worry about how much the printing path dominates the geometry of the flexures (might make them too thick and cause them to break and/or be difficult to get sockets on).



