Wall-mount Remote holder for Hisense TVs (or any other small-ish remote or object)
This is a basic remote control holder for remotes less than 45mm wide and 32mm thick. Shoot, you don't even have to put remotes in it. You could put cheese sticks or pens or very small seedlings in it like a plant pot. I made it for our TV remote, but like, that's just my opinion, man. I made the surface look interesting with the fuzzy skin feature in PrusaSlicer, and that .gcode file is sliced that way for an Ender 3 S1. I printed it in natural PLA which has an appealing translucent look. (Unless you don't find translucency appealing, in which case it would be an unappealing translucent look.) I think the fuzzy skin and translucency is kind of a neat combination. The intent is for this to be screwed into a vertical surface like a wall, but you could use double sided tape if you don't mind having a bunch of gummy goo on your wall when you move out. Maybe Command Strips would work, IDK- I screwed it in because I prefer holes in the drywall to gummy goo on the drywall. There is a very slight angle between the wing and the main body to help keep the body tight to the wall even if you go a little too tight on the screws.