T-65P-2R - 2 Seat Recon X-Wing Fighter

T-65P-2R - 2 Seat Recon X-Wing Fighter


Introducing the: T-65P-2R Long Range Recon X-Wing Fighter This is a variant of the T-65P X-Wing Star Fighter that I designed. The 2R stands for (2) two seat, long range recon variant. Specs: 2 seat cockpit configuration. Each with it's own canopy. Single Astro-Mech Droid The rear seater handles communications, ECM, Communications Jamming, and controls the sensor suite and miniature spy satellites. Standard X-Wing Hyperdrive and fusion generator. X-Wing Weapons Configuration, minus the nose armor. The nose mounted Proton Torpedo launchers have been replaced with miniature spy satellite launchers. Four miniature spy satellites total. Equipped with a broad spectrum long range communications jamming suite. (Rear Mounted dish) Equipped with a sensor suite dish (Top Mounted) that scans long range in 360 degrees of rotation. Extreme Long Range Communications via the two nose mounted high gain transmit & receive antennas. This is my own design. Or I should say a variant of one of my own designs. This was done in TINKER-CAD, and you can check out the original model here: https://www.tinkercad.com/things/3DVckwb7Vri






