Custom Chopsticks and Chopstick Holder

Custom Chopsticks and Chopstick Holder


# Chopstick Container # Custom chopstick and slide box used to hold chopsticks, pencils, etc. The file named [`chopstick_custom_laying_down_230mm.stl`](chopstick_custom_laying_down_230mm.stl) is a custom chopstick this box was designed for. "Dukes" has been added the the custom design, as shown by the file [`chopstick_dukes_custom_laying_down_230mm.stl`](chopstick_dukes_custom_laying_down_230mm.stl). Remixed chopstick box, with the following changes: - Box prints horizontally (supports were used but may not be needed, for the lip that encloses the lid). - Dimensions were chosen such that the box would hold 4 sets of chopsticks, with minor room for tolerances. - Custom "Dukes" chopsticks are 230mm long, allowing two rows of four chopsticks to fit snugly below the lid. - A slight amount of space could be further removed. This would eliminate all rattling of printed chopsticks but leave no space if food-safe/food-grade epoxy is later applied to the utensils. ## Print Settings: ## Filament: PLA and HTPLA (wood) Infill: (20-100)% Supports: Not needed, but still recommended to hold up the overhang for the lid insert Raft: Not needed Nozzle: 210°C Bed Temp: 70°C Primary Layer Height: (0.1-0.2)mm






