PotP Rodimus Prime Upgrades and Add-Ons

PotP Rodimus Prime Upgrades and Add-Ons


Recently remembered I made a few parts for Power of the Primes Rodimus Prime, a figure I like more than most seem to. First up is a pair of fist covers for vehicle mode, to address the most obvious design flaw. These simply slide in to the peg holes in the hands in vehicle mode, while in vehicle mode they slide snugly into place inside the flaps. Frustratingly, there's just not enough clearance to have them stay permanently in place, or at least not enough for my skills to work with. Will need to mirror the included file and print one for each side. Second is a gap filler for the belly, designed to continue the hip plate design seen on the original character design. It's not a seamless addition, but it looks nicer than the empty gap there. There's a spot on top of the vehicle mode that it actually wedges in to nicely if so desired. Finally, I made a simple extended back wing that slips over the existing one. There's enough space to clip it on in vehicle mode if desired, but it does stick out the sides if you do. Also pictured is a bit of combined robot mode top filler designed by oyobo on Thingiverse.(https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5254711)



