Hybrid Hanging/Desk Mercury Lamp

Hybrid Hanging/Desk Mercury Lamp


Hey! This is my Hybrid Mercury Lamp. I used actual NASA data to make this. You can screw the legs out and hang it from the ceiling if you like. There is also a holder for the legs so that they don't get lost when you are not using them. You will need a lamp socket, and a bulb. I like to use a Multi color LED. Here is a list of what you can get depending on where you live. EU Plug: https://www.amazon.de/kwmobile-Lampenfassung-Schalter-Lampenaufh%C3%A4ngung-Pendelleuchte/dp/B07GJNQFTV?keywords=kwmobile%2Be27%2Blampenfassung&qid=1684505382&sr=8-5&th=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=ri0m0-21&linkId=eaf75460ed09825a9367f5ff362a73a5&language=de_DE&ref_=as_li_ss_tl US Plug: https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/B0BTY6VDYN/ref=sr_1_3?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=17E68V4WROX8K&keywords=Plug-in%2BLight%2BCord%2Be27&qid=1684505658&sprefix=plug-in%2Blight%2Bcord%2Be27%2Caps%2C173&sr=8-3&th=1 Bulb: EU: https://www.amazon.de/Kolbenform-dimmbarkeit-Farbsteuerung-Fernbedienung-Warmwei%C3%9F/dp/B07CNMGXGP?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&keywords=osram+led+mehrfarbig+e27&qid=1684505912&sr=8-4&linkCode=ll1&tag=ri0m0-21&linkId=07abaf8ee1dddbd81da2bca540915fc3&language=de_DE&ref_=as_li_ss_tl US: https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/B07NW17W9V/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=2R8ILT0PASFEX&keywords=e27+Multicolour+LED&qid=1684505841&sprefix=e27+multicolour+led%2Caps%2C195&sr=8-2 Print Settings: You only need to print the numbered files. All others are included if you need to print them separately. Mercury: Use a 0.4 mm Nozzle! or a line height of 0.2 mm and a width of 0.4 mm. Domes are quite hard to print. I always slow down the layers at the top to 50% print speed (at layer 670). Use 100% infill with concentric infill, or set your wall count to something ridiculous like 40. Any Basic white PLA will do the job just fine. I used Sunlu White PLA+ if that helps. Don't try Matte or glitter stuff, it will not work. No supports! Trust me, I printed dozens of these. 2 Legs and Plate: No supports. If you like, it's more beautiful if you manage to get the seam on the inside of the legs, but that's optional. You can go with any color here. That's it. Enjoy your Lamp. :D If you made one, please consider Buying me a coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Ri0m0 I'm a poor student in need of filament. I also have other lamps on my Profile (or they are coming soon!) check them out. Don't be afraid to ask if something doesn't work, or you have suggestions. Please note, this is provided as a non-commercial license.





