Pocket-Tactics: Furious Rabble

Pocket-Tactics: Furious Rabble


This set was built using [BriteMini's](https://www.thingiverse.com/briteminis/designs) wonderful support-free models and is 100% compatible with the other sets from the current edition. You can find the [full range of current Pocket-Tactics sets on our site](https://www.illgottengames.net/products?category=Pocket-Tactics). ____________________________________________________ [Pocket-Tactics](http://www.illgottengames.net/pocket-tactics) is a fast-paced, modular strategy boardgame in which fantasy forces battle for control of a randomly generated hex map. We first introduced Pocket-Tactics as a 3D print-and-play game back in 2012. It's had lots of iterations in the years since and this is the commercial version. You can find all of the [current sets here on our site](https://www.illgottengames.net/products?category=Pocket-Tactics). The set features ONE faction: Furious Rabble, including: 6 unique fantasy miniature STLs hex terrain tiles rules PDF with printable stat cards The miniatures are 15mm scale, though an enlarged version (30mm scale) is included as well, and all designs are optimized to print on home FDM machines without need for supports. (They also print beautifully in resin.) All miniatures were designed by [BriteMinis](https://www.thingiverse.com/briteminis/designs) (the tiles were designed by me). You can find the complete (and expanding) [collection of current Pocket-Tactics sets and rules expansions here](https://www.illgottengames.net/products?category=Pocket-Tactics)! If you want to help us create more sets and expansions for the game (and get a bunch of 3d printables in the process) please consider supporting us on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/illgottengames)!







Toys & Games