Replacement rubber / eraser case (Rotring and Staedtler)

Replacement rubber / eraser case (Rotring and Staedtler)


A 3D-printed replacement for the cases that come with rubbers/erasers. These cases can degrade quite quickly over time so I thought it was high time that I made something more hard-wearing. I have included cases for both the Rotring and Staedtler rubbers/erasers as well as a blank case if you don't want any logos. These need to be printed at a sufficiently small layer height, especially if you want to do multi-coloured prints like I have. I used a 0.2mm layer height which gave me 3 layers to work with, 2 red and 1 black. This case prints flat and needs to be folded into shape after the fact, I used super glue to attach the two large faces to each other at the end. (keep in mind that super glue will darken thin layers of light filament when it is behind it so if you want to keep the colour of any logos, only put super glue around the edges)






